Hearing Aid Services in Rye, NY

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Audiology and Speech Solutions provides expert hearing aid services in Rye and Westchester, NY.https://audiology-speech.com/

Hearing aids are indispensable tools to help improve, manage, or treat hearing loss. With the right prescription, fitting, and adjustments, hearing aids can offer a significant change and improve the quality of life of a person with hearing loss.

Audiology and Speech Solutions in Rye, NY can help you select the hearing aid most ideal for your hearing needs and lifestyle. Our audiologists are trained to offer hearing aid maintenance, repair, and adjustment services as needed.

Hearing Aid Selection 

With all the available hearing aid options on the market today, choosing the best and correct hearing aid may be quite tricky. Most – if not all – hearing aid brands will say they are the best, which could lead to confusion and uncertainty. 

In the process of hearing aid selection, the first thing you need to consider is the fact that hearing loss is not the same for everyone. Hearing loss varies in type and severity and you also have to factor in the lifestyle, budget, and other preferences of an individual. A hearing test is the first step in getting fitted for hearing aids. Audiology and Speech Solutions provides hearing tests in Rye and Westchester, NY.

We provide adult hearing tests, pediatric hearing tests, and tinnitus evaluations in Westchester County.

That being said, audiologists and hearing healthcare professionals play a big role in hearing aid selection. To fully maximize the features and benefits of hearing aids, proper fitting, adjustment, and real ear measurement verification should be performed.

Hearing aid styles 

To help make hearing aid selection easier, below are the basic hearing aid styles available:

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)

CIC hearing aids are placed in the ear canal. This type of hearing aid is ideal for individuals who want a discreet hearing aid option. Completely-in-canal hearing aids are custom-fit to fit the unique ear anatomy using an ear canal impression. When fitted and programmed correctly, CIC hearing aids can provide maximum comfort and superb sound quality.

In-the-Canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids, also referred to as half-shell hearing aids, are worn on the lower part of the ear. Most ITC hearing aids are enclosed in a lightweight plastic shell and are custom-made to fit the wearer’s unique ear anatomy.

In-the-Ear (ITE)

In-the-ear hearing aids are custom-made and available in two styles – -full shell and half shell. Full-shell ITE hearing aids fill the bowl-shaped area of the outer ear while half-shell ITEs only occupy the lower part.

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

Behind-the-ear hearing aids are worn on top of or behind the outer ear with tubing that leads the sound down to the ear canal through a custom-fit earmold. BTEs can also come with a dome design that prevents blocking the entire ear canal opening.

Hearing Aid Fitting

Once you’ve selected your preferred hearing aid, the next step is hearing aid fitting. This step is very crucial because this is when the devices will actually be placed inside the ear. Hearing aid fitting appointments are considered to be the final step before individuals with hearing loss experience significantly improved hearing.

After a successful hearing aid fitting, programming and adjusting will take place. Make sure to cooperate with and be open to your audiologist during this step to ensure that you are getting the best possible hearing improvement from your hearing aids.

How long do hearing aid fittings take?

A lot of factors can affect the duration of hearing aid fittings, but in most cases, it can last between 45 minutes to two hours.

Real ear measurements

Real ear measurements (REM), otherwise known as probe microphone measurements, are considered to be the gold standard in determining whether a hearing aid user is receiving the most accurate level of amplification at every frequency.

Since hearing loss is unique for each individual, real ear measurements must be carried out to ensure that hearing aids are programmed specifically for a wearer’s hearing requirements.

Hearing Aid Programming and Adjustments 

Thanks to modern technology, smartphones, and dedicated apps, programming and adjusting hearing aids are made more accessible. However, we highly suggest that you entrust hearing aid programming and adjusting to professionals to ensure that you are getting the best hearing experience possible.

At Audiology and Speech Solutions, we provide excellent after-sales services to ensure that our clients are receiving the best hearing care possible.

Hearing Aid Repairs 

No matter how you take care of your appliances or devices, there will come a time when they get broken or need some maintenance or servicing. Similarly, hearing aids may also need some repair, cleaning, maintenance, or updating from time to time.

We offer hearing aid repairs and maintenance for various hearing aid brands.

Hearing Aid Services: Audiologists and Hearing Aids in Rye, NY

Audiology and Speech Solutions provides comprehensive hearing aid services including audiological, speech, language, and auditory processing evaluations.

With over 40 years of experience with individuals with hearing loss, hearing aids, and therapy, Dr. Datino, owner and head audiologist of Audiology and Speech Solutions, provides individualized treatment by taking your unique circumstances into account.

To know more about the hearing aid services we offer, contact us today!

As audiologists and speech language pathologists, we focus on holistically treating all aspects of communication through diagnostics.