Hearing Tests in Westchester, NY

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Audiology & Speech Solutions provides comprehensive hearing tests in Westchester, NY.

Hearing tests are diagnostic assessments designed to evaluate the health and functionality of our auditory system. 

Our sense of hearing is a priceless gift that connects us to the world of sound and communication. However, it’s a gift that can gradually diminish over time due to various factors, including age, noise exposure, and underlying medical conditions. This is where hearing tests become crucial. 

Types of Hearing Tests

Several types of hearing tests are available to evaluate different aspects of your auditory system:

  • Pure-Tone Audiometry: This is the most common hearing test. You wear headphones and listen to tones at various frequencies and volumes. You signal when you can hear each tone, enabling the audiologist to create an audiogram, a graph that illustrates your hearing thresholds.
  • Speech Audiometry: This test assesses your ability to understand spoken words at different volumes. It helps determine your speech reception threshold and word recognition score, providing valuable insights into your communication ability.
  • Tympanometry: This test measures the movement of your eardrum in response to air pressure changes. It helps diagnose issues related to the middle ear, such as fluid buildup or eardrum stiffness.
  • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Test: OAE measures the sounds your inner ear produces in response to external sounds. It is often used to screen for hearing loss in infants and young children.
  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Test: ABR evaluates the auditory nerve and brainstem’s response to sound. It is particularly useful for diagnosing hearing problems in newborns and identifying neurological issues.

How Hearing Tests Are Done

Getting a hearing test is a straightforward and painless process. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Preparation: Before the test, your audiologist will discuss your medical history and any concerns you may have about your hearing. Be sure to provide honest and accurate information.
  • Pure-Tone Audiometry: You will be seated in a soundproof booth and wear headphones. The audiologist will play a series of tones, and you’ll press a button or raise your hand when you hear them.
  • Speech Audiometry: Similar to pure-tone audiometry, you will wear headphones, but you’ll listen to spoken words or sentences this time. You’ll repeat the words you hear, and the audiologist will record your responses.
  • Tympanometry: A tiny probe is placed in your ear, and air pressure is varied to measure how well your eardrum moves. This test takes just a few minutes.
  • OAE and ABR Tests: For these tests, you may need to wear headphones or have electrodes placed on your scalp. The equipment will record your ear’s response to sounds or electrical signals.

Hearing Tests in Westchester, NY: Audiology & Speech Solutions

Regular hearing tests in Westchester, NY, are crucial to maintaining your overall health and well-being. 

Whether you’re experiencing hearing difficulties or simply want to monitor your auditory health, these tests can provide valuable insights and guide you toward the appropriate interventions if necessary. 

Take a proactive step towards safeguarding your hearing and ensuring a harmonious connection with the world around you by scheduling a hearing test today at Audiology & Speech Solutions.

As audiologists and speech language pathologists, we focus on holistically treating all aspects of communication through diagnostics.