Is Hearing Loss a Disability?

an image of 2 woman looking at each other with their hances on their ear, and the other on her mouth.

Hearing loss affects millions of people around the world. Some people wonder if hearing loss is a disability. In this article, we will explain what hearing loss is. You will learn how it affects people’s lives and whether it is considered a disability. What Is Hearing Loss? Hearing loss happens when a person cannot hear […]

What is an audiologist?

woman in white coat checking a patient

When you experience some trouble hearing, it can affect your life in so many ways. Your relationships may be affected, your confidence might waver, and you might find yourself withdrawing from social gatherings.  Fortunately, there are audiologists who can help diagnose and treat hearing problems. An audiologist is a licensed healthcare professional who specializes in […]

Managing Medication Side Effects: How Audiologists Help

Medicine pills on top of a table and a hand writing on a pad

Some medicines help treat health problems, but they can also cause side effects. Some of these side effects may affect your ears. You might experience hearing loss or ringing in your ears. Audiologists are experts who help people with hearing and balance problems. They can also help manage side effects caused by medicine. Let’s take […]

How to Keep Your Ears Healthy and Hear Better?

inside the eat

Anyone at any stage of life can have hearing loss. Hearing loss can occur before birth. Others experience hearing loss over time in a progressive manner. There are additional causes of hearing loss besides ones related to lifestyle or the environment. It should come as no surprise that many people seek answers on how to […]

What are the types of hearing tests?

What are the types of hearing tests

Hearing tests are used to evaluate and identify hearing loss. Throughout your life, you may undergo multiple hearing examinations. Hearing screening tests are performed on babies and youngsters in the United States.  Studies show that more than 30 million Americans aged 18 and up suffer hearing loss. Hearing tests are used to determine whether or […]

Why do ears produce so much wax?

ear with earrings

Earwax, an often overlooked aspect of our auditory health, holds a pivotal role in maintaining the well-being of our ears. Its presence, though natural, can sometimes pose discomfort or concern. Yet, this seemingly bothersome substance is a crucial element in the intricate workings of our ears.  Have you ever wondered why our ears produce such […]

Is vertigo a hearing disorder?


Vertigo and hearing loss are commonly linked with each other due to their shared underlying cause: inner ear dysfunction.  The inner ear consists of the vestibular system and the auditory system. These two systems work together to process sound and maintain balance. Any damage or disruption to the inner ear can result in either hearing […]

What kind of hearing loss do I have?

kind of hearing loss

Hearing is a complex process that requires the coordination of a number of different body parts and functions. To hear properly, sound must travel through the outer ear, to the middle ear, and then to the inner ear, where it is converted into signals that are detected and decoded by the brain. There are a […]

Is it good to get your ears professionally cleaned?

ears professionally cleaned

If you are located in Rye, NY, and need to get your ears professionally cleaned, let the Audiologists at Audiology and Speech Solutions do it for you. Earwax is often harmless and even beneficial, working as a lubricant and a protective layer to the ears. Several studies have shown that earwax has antifungal and antibacterial […]

The Cost of Untreated Hearing Loss

We focus a great deal on the impact an untreated hearing loss has on the person who can’t hear.  But what is the impact of the loss on their friends and family?  What is the financial impact of the inability to hear? The National Council on the Aging (NCOA) conducted a study commissioned by the […]